Re-rego originally joined 2022-04-26
This pale golden is a classic IPA, with a smooth caramel flavour which gives balance to the resolute, intensely hoppy kick and citrus finish delivered by the blend of US hops.
This dark, complex and satisfying beer is based on a 1750s porter recipe, with a distinctive blend of roast malts and chocolate, a dominating fruit flavour and hints of liquorice.
An amber IPA style beer. Lovely colour and a zingy hop finish to get you in the mood. This beer is hopped with US Cascade, Columbus and Citra hops.
A best bitter brewed with the rare Bramling Cross hop for soft fruit aroma and taste. The satisfying bitterness is balanced by sweet toffee/caramel from the crystal malt. Hops: Goldings, Pilgrim, Bramling Cross and Target.
A perfectly balanced beer combining subtle yet complex flavours. This creates an amber ale which is both satisfying and deliciously moreish.
A full-bodied, very distinctive beer with a bitter-sweet aftertaste.
A bold hazy pale ale which perfectly balances its low ABV, pale malts and powerful hops with an IBU 55. Our brew team have increased the percentage of oats to enhance the haziness and introduced dry hopping with El Dorado, Centennial and Citra. Gluten free and vegan friendly.
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The Three Fishes is in the Arun & Adur CAMRA branch area.