An incresingly dry, hoppy, bitter finish complements the spicy, citrus character of this full-flavoured and well balanced amber beer.
A chestnut, tawny red premium ale. Brewed with roasted malts and English Fuggles hops, to give a smoky, spicy hoppiness on the nose, leading to a molasses, nutty palate with a light fruity hop dryness.
Gold coloured beer with a pleasant lemon, white grape and slightly bready nose. Taste reflects the nose with some astringency as the hops kick in.
A very easy drinking Isle of Wight amber coloured ale, brewed with Goldings and Chinook hops to give a full bodied taste.
A rich, smooth and wonderfully balanced beer, its distinctive malty base is complemented by a well-developed hop character, from adding Target, Challenger and Northdown varieties to the brew.
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The King Lud is in the Isle of Wight CAMRA branch area.