The Cotswold Inn
Cheltenham, GL52 2NZ

The Cotswold Inn
Cheltenham, GL52 2NZ

Cask Beers Available

Cask Beers Available

Wadworth - 6X Gold

6X Gold - 4.3%

6X Gold


4.3% abv

Certified by Coeliac UK as the gluten free, vegan beer that does not compromise on quality or flavour; it's still a distinctive premium beer but with a pleasing golden tone. It is a hoppy and refreshing ale with sweet malt and spicy notes on the palate and a zesty citrus aroma.

Wadworth - 6X

6X - 4.1%



4.1% abv

Full bodied and distinctive, it's a strong premium ale with an ABV of 4.1%. Mid-brown in colour, malty and fruity on the nose with a balancing hoppy note. The delicious malt and fruit character emerge even more intensely on the palate with a long, lingering and malty finish.


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The Cotswold Inn is in the Cheltenham CAMRA branch area.